DHL arrived in a record 45 hours with my package from Pakistan! I find that to be pretty impressive.
Customs on the other hand -not so impressive. This is what my package looked like inside. Don’t mind the torn box, that’s my own doing.
The problem is that they ALWAYS cut into one packet of henna in each box. I can kinda understand this and never bothered to get too worked up about it this before. This time the went too far. One packet had a small slice in the usual way, just to get a peak at the contents. Another packet was completely removed from the box, with the wrapper inside completely torn open and the contents emptied into the box. The result was a lot of extra work, the loss of 200 grams of henna, and a terribly messy carpet!
BUT the rest of the henna is in perfect shape and ready for sale here: http://hennamuse.com/catalog1.html
I’ve never known a fresh crop of Jamila to be a let down, but I can’t attest to this particular crop just yet. Here’s my fist batch of 200 grams brewing in the sun.
It should be ready to use tomorrow afternoon and the color ready to show off by Sunday!!!
Now if only the Rajasthani I order 2 1/2 weeks ago would arrive!Tags: henna, mehndi, US customs, Jamila, Jamila 2007, new crop
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